viernes, abril 07, 2006

Las frases de la semana

Boxing is an unnatural act. Instead of running from the pain like a sane person would do, you step into it.

There is magic in fighting battles beyond endurance.

Frankie likes to say that boxing is an unnatural act, that everything in boxing is backwards: sometimes the best way to deliver a punch is to step back... But step back too far and you ain't fighting at all.

Millon dollar baby (2004) Fighting, boxing o battles...O todo sobre duelos

2 comentarios:

la enmascarada dijo...

O la fuerza de un deseo, aunque mueras en el intento.
¿vale la pena morir por otra cosa?

Vera Finkelstein dijo...

Cito "...step back too far and you ain´t fighting at all"